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Federal intervention decree in Rio now in Senate

The move was approved by the lower house in the early hours today
Karine Melo reports from Agência Brasil
Published on 20/02/2018 - 15:29
O general Walter Souza Braga Netto,  atual chefe do Comando Militar do Leste, será o comandante da intervenção federal na segurança pública do estado do Rio de Janeiro
© Reprodução/Comando Militar do Leste

The Brazilian Senate received a decree this morning on the intervention in the public security of Rio de Janeiro state. The proposal was approved in the lower house with 340 favorable votes, 72 against, and one abstention in the early hours today, and reached the Senate this morning (Feb 20). The Senate session on the matter is slated for 6 pm.

The decree will make an impact on the progress of constitutional amendment bills currently under consideration, which will be brought to a halt, said Senate President Eunício Oliveira.

“I will not advance any measure to change the Constitution, as it would contravene the Brazilian Constitution, which I've sworn to follow. No change to the country's Constitution is to be under deliberation,” he declared.

Approximately 190 amendment bills are under consideration in the two congressional houses, Oliveira went on to say.

Translated by Fabrício Ferreira

Fonte: Federal intervention decree in Rio now in Senate