Lula unveils return of affordable housing program

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is unveiling the return of the Minha Casa Minha Vida affordable housing program. The announcement is to be made in Santo Amaro, Bahia state, this Tuesday (Feb. 14), where two developments are now complete, adding up to 684 apartments.
Today alone, 2,700 housing units will be delivered in nine towns across six states. Investment totals BRL 206.9 million.
The comeback
The housing program is back with the proposal of allocating 50 percent of the mortgaged or subsidized units for Tier 1—families with gross income of up to BRL 2,600. Subsidies within this range vary between 85 and 95 percent.
The Brazilian government plans to start building 37.5 thousand housing units this year. According to a survey, 170 thousand units were not concluded by previous administrations, and 80 percent of the projects had their contract signed between 2012 and 2014.
This year, another 32 thousand units are expected to have “complex obstacles” addressed, including irregular occupation and infrastructure problems.