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World Breastfeeding Week gains ground in Brazil

The initiative has been launched in 170 countries
Dayana Vítor
Published on 31/07/2019 - 18:15
Ministro Arthur Chioro lança a nova campanha de aleitamento materno. Participa da solenidade a madrinha da Semana Mundial de Amamentação (SMAM) de 2014, a atriz Nívea Stelmann, com sua filha (Wilson Dias/Agência Brasil)
© Wilson Dias/Agência Brasil
Profissionais de saúde orientam sobre amamentação na Semana Mundial de Aleitamento Materno, no Palácio do Catete.
© Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil

Brazil is starting the World Breastfeeding Week on Thursday (Aug 1). Breastfeeding can slash child death stemming from  preventable causes by 13 percent.

The initiative takes place in 170 countries. In Brazil, the program was launched by the Health Ministry at the Pan-American Health Organization headquarters, and encourages breastfeeding in the first two years after birth along with a series of measures to stimulate the practice.

Brazilian goalkeeper Alison Becker and his wife Natália Loewe are the campaign’s stars. Ads will be syndicated from August 1 to 15.

“For this campaign, we’re investing some R$ 3.5 million in different media, increasing the number of children’s hospitals and building a partnership with private hospitals, for them to build breastfeeding rooms,” said Health Minister Luiz Mandetta.

Invaluable experience

A group of breastfeeding mothers attended the campaign’s launch ceremony, among them Journalist Nayane Taniguchi, mother of 11-month-old Lucas. “I’ll follow the recommendations by the World Health Organization and breastfeed my son until he’s two years old. If he wants my milk until then, he’ll have it.”

Another adherent is Judge Caroline Lima, who has registered four rooms in support of breastfeeding at the Justice Court of the Federal District. Her children were breastfed for more than two years.

She listed a number of benefits of breastfeeding. “We never bought any antibiotics, we never needed a sick leave, or to reschedule a hearing to take care of a sick child. My daughters have excellent health. And the bonding with the mother… There’s no money in the world that can pay for that. It’s something I’ll carry with me for the rest of my life. That’s the greatest reward.”

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