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Rio de Janeiro: covid-19 is down, but influenza worries

Tests show influenza A is at 60%
Douglas Corrêa - Repórter da Agência Brasil
Published on 10/12/2021 - 23:28
Rio de Janeiro
Surto da doença de coronavírus (COVID-19), no Rio de Janeiro
© Reuters/ Ricardo Moraes/ Direitos Reservados

Covid-19's Risk Map, released today (10), points out that the state of Rio de Janeiro is on the green flag - of low transmission risk - for the third consecutive week.

According to the State Department of Health (SES), the analysis also shows a drop in the number of hospitalizations for severe acute respiratory syndrome (SRAG) compared to rates observed in recent weeks.

Tests carried out by the Central Public Health Laboratory Noel Nutels (Lacen) show that the positivity rate for Influenza A is 60%; while that of covid-19, by 2%.

The State Secretary of Health, Alexandre Chieppe said that “the department is acting to optimize the waiting time of patients in emergency care units of the state network. Today, we inaugurated two more tents to welcome and care for patients with the flu syndrome. We still see an increase in the number of cases, but hospitalizations do not follow the same trend. We are on the green flag because the indicators for covid-19 continue to fall,” he said.

The survey indicates a 44% drop in the number of deaths caused by covid-19 and 28% in hospitalizations. The Metropolitan Region I, which encompasses the capital and the cities of Baixada Fluminense, as well as the Serrana, Northwest, Center-South and Middle Paraíba regions are under the green flag. The Metropolitan ll, Baixada Litorânea, Norte and Baía da Ilha Grande regions are on the yellow flag.

In the SES study, each flag represents a risk level and a set of social isolation recommendations, ranging from purple (very high risk), red (high risk), orange (moderate risk), yellow (low risk) and green (very low risk).

Fight the flu

In order to speed up the care of cases of flu syndrome, SES continued, this Friday, a new stage of the contingency plan to deal with the outbreak of influenza.

The Emergency Care Units (UPAs) in Penha and Jacarepaguá received care tents for patients with flu-like illness. In addition to these, the structure has also been inaugurated at UPAs Marechal Hermes and Tijuca, in the north of Rio, and Botafogo, in the south of the city.

Text translated using artificial intelligence.