Fiocruz approves first batch of 100% Brazilian COVID-19 vaccine

The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) has released the first batch of the vaccine against COVID-19 made 100% in Brazil. The immunizing agent has been manufactured in partnership with AstraZeneca and shall be delivered to the Health Ministry which will include it in the National Immunization Program (PNI). The quality approval was published on Tuesday (Feb. 15).
The immunizing agent is the result of a technology transfer agreement between Fiocruz and the consortium formed by the University of Oxford and the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca. The first batches produced in Brazil by the foundation used active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) - the main input of the substance - sent by China.
The need to import API from China caused a delivery delay regarding the AstraZeneca vaccines produced by Fiocruz last year. This situation has proven the importance of producing the ingredient in Brazil.

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