Últimas notícias poll

Candidatos à Presidência Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) e Fernando Haddad (PT).

New poll: Bolsonaro has 59%, Haddad 41% of intended votes

Yesterday (Oct. 16), pollster Ibope released an opinion survey showing that Brazilian presidential hopeful Jair Bolsonaro, of the Social Liberal Party (PSL), has 52 percent of intended votes, while Fernando Haddad, of the Workers’ Party (PT), has 37 percent.


Poll: Bolsonaro has 58%, Haddad 42% of intended votes

Yesterday (Oct. 10), pollster Datafolha released an opinion survey showing that Brazilian presidential hopeful Jair Bolsonaro, of the Social Liberal Party (PSL), has 49 percent of intended votes, while Fernando Haddad, of the Workers’ Party (PT), has 35 percent.

Brasília - O presidente interino Michel Temer e os ministros Eliseu Padilha, chefe da Casa Civil e Henrique Meirelles, da Fazenda durante a primeira reunião ministerial,  no Palácio do Planalto (José Cruz/Agência Brasil)

President Michel Temer's administration rejected by 70% of Brazilians

The administration of President Michel Temer has been rated as “poor” or “terrible” by 70% of the population, according to a CNI/IBOPE poll.

Brasília - A presidenta Dilma Rousseff, durante entrevista  coletiva, disse que o governo não fará reforma ministerial antes da votação do impeachment. A presidenta participou da apresentação da aeronave KC-390, novo avião cargueiro

Majority of Brazilians want Rousseff, Temer and Cunha to step down

A poll by Datafolha found that 61% of respondents want the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff and 63% rated her administration as “poor” or “terrible”, 24% as “average”, and 13% as “excellent” or “good”.