Últimas notícias prosecutors

RETROSPECTIVA_2023 - Atos golpistas de 8 de janeiro. - Foto: Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil

Supreme Court sentences another 10 over Jan. 8 riots

The decision brings the number of people charged with involvement in the ransacking of government headquarters in Brasília to 216.

Brasília (DF) 21/03/2024 - O Ministério Público do Distrito Federal e Territórios (MPDFT) apresentou denúncia contra Jair Renan Bolsonaro, filho do ex-presidente Jair Bolsonaro, pelos crimes de lavagem de dinheiro, falsidade ideológica e uso de documento falso, no âmbito da Operação Nexus, da Polícia Civil do Distrito Federal (PCDF).
Foto: Renan Filho/Instagram

Jair Renan, son of Bolsonaro, charged with money laundering

The charges filed by prosecutors list the crimes of money laundering, misrepresentation, and use of false documents within the scope of Operation Nexus, conducted by the Civil Police of the Federal District.


Prosecutors target ousted Brasília governor, former security official

The motion also includes a onetime military commander and requests the Supreme Court to probe into authorities involved in the attacks on government headquarters.

Brasília - O ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva acompanha o pronunciamento da presidenta afastada, Dilma Rousseff, durante na sessão de julgamento do impeachment no Senado (Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil)

New charges filed against Brazil’s ex-president Lula

TThe Federal Prosecution Service (MPF) brought new charges against Brazil’s former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on Thursday (Dec. 15), as part of Operation Car Wash corruption case. He is accused of taking bribes and laundering money.