Últimas notícias UFRJ

Poluição Plástica - Foto: Muntaka Chasant/Wikimedia

Brazilian scientists develop rapidly degradable bioplastic

The material is innovative as it uses small bioactive encapsulated particles from functional foods like carrots and chia. Unlike synthetic plastic, it does not leave residues that pollute the environment, harming life in the oceans and even human health.

Corumbá (MS), 30/06/2024 - Brigadistas da comunidade quilombola Kalunga, em Goiás, chegam ao Pantanal como reforço na equipe do Prevfogo/Ibama e enfrentam vegetação densa em seu primeiro dia de combate na região. Foto: Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil

Brazil: Fires ravage 1.3 mi hectares, surge again in Pantanal

Since the fires in the Pantanal intensified three months ago, a task force of approximately 400 firefighters and agents has been deployed to the region.

Rio de Janeiro (RJ), 07/05/2024 – Parte dos fósseis recebidos são apresentados durante evento no Museu Nacional, na Quinta da Boa Vista, no Rio de Janeiro. Foto: Tomaz Silva/Agência Brasil

Rio’s National Museum gets private donation of 1,104 fossils

They are the remnants of animals and plants who lived in the Northeast over 110 mi years ago. The articles were donated to the museum, currently under reconstruction after the 2018 fire, by the family of collector Burkart Pohl, of the Swiss-German group Interprospekt.

Coronavírus (COVID-19), Novo Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2

New Omicron subvariants detected in Rio by university's sequencing

According to the University of Rio de Janeiro, they identified the new EG.5.1.1 (23F) strain, referred to as Éris, in two of the 95 samples sequenced earlier this month.

15/06/2023 - Planta Trema Micrantha Blume. Foto: Alex Popovkin/ Flickr

Rio university finds cannabidiol in THC-free native Brazilian plant

The substance was found in the fruit and flower of the Trema micrantha Blume. The discovery raises the possibility of legal use for medicinal purposes.