COVID-19: Brazil reports 21.2 mi cases, 590.7k deaths
The number of deaths from COVID-19 in Brazil rose to 590,752. In 24 hours, 244 fatalities were registered.
The total amount of people infected with the novel coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic has reached 21,239,783. In 24 hours, 9,458 new cases were confirmed by health authorities.
The data can be found in the daily update released by the country’s Ministry of Health Sunday evening (Sep. 19). The report combines figures provided by the state health secretariats.
Altogether, 395,758 people are being monitored by health agents, and 20,253,273 patients have recovered.
Atop the list of states with the highest death toll for COVID-19 are São Paulo (148,099), Rio de Janeiro (64,895), Minas Gerais (54,080), and Paraná (38,456). The states with the lowest death counts, in turn, are Acre (1,817), Amapá (1,969), Roraima (1,987), and Tocantins (3,738).
By number of cases São Paulo (4,350,530) also tops the list, followed by Minas Gerais (2,112,043), Paraná (1,490,543), and Rio Grande do Sul (1,428,678).
According to the latest update from the Health Ministry, 267.6 million doses of the vaccine against COVID-19 have been distributed thus far, with 222.3 million doses administered—141.8 million of which as the first dose, 80.5 million as the second or single dose.