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Brazil calls for ceasefire and respect for humanitarian law in Ukraine

Brazilian ambassador to the UN reiterates search for dialogue
Karine Melo - Repórter da Agência Brasil
Published on 01/03/2022 - 11:02
Brasília - O diretor do departamento de Negociações Comerciais Extrarregionais, embaixador Ronaldo Costa Filho, fala sobre a 51ª reunião do Conselho do Mercado Comum e a Cúpula do Mercosul (Fabio Rodrigues Pozzebom/Agência Brasil)
© Fabio Rodrigues Pozzebom/Agência Brasil

After a series of speeches by several countries condemning Russia at the emergency UN General Assembly on Monday (Feb. 28) in New York, Brazil's representative at the United Nations (UN) Ambassador Ronaldo Costa Filho reiterated the Brazilian position of searching for dialogue.

“There is no justification for this situation at all. The use of force against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of any member state is against the most basic norms and principles, and is a clear violation of the UN Charter,” said Costa Filho. “Brazil reiterates its requests for an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine, as well as respect for international humanitarian law,” he added.

Regarding President Vladimir Putin's order for the Russian military to put the country's nuclear forces on high alert, Costa Filho urged caution to avoid the escalation of tensions in Eastern Europe. The Brazilian ambassador stated the weakening of the Minsk Agreement was a consequence of actions by all sides. "This is one of the reasons Russia pleads to justify the invasion of Ukraine. We see a succession of events that if not contained will soon lead to a much wider confrontation. Everyone will suffer, not just those involved in the war,” he said.

Without criticizing Russia directly - on behalf of Brazil - Ambassador Costa Filho has thanked all the countries that are receiving refugees including Brazilians, and called all those involved in the process to reassess their decisions on the supply of weapons, the use of cyberattacks and the adoption of selective sanctions that could harm the world economy, especially food production.

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