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Lula wishes success to new Argentine government

With 55% of the vote, Javier Milei defeated Sergio Massa, who had 44%
Lucas Pordeus León
Published on 20/11/2023 - 13:21
Argentine president-elect Javier Milei addresses supporters after winning Argentina's runoff presidential election, in Buenos Aires, Argentina November 19, 2023. REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian
© REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian

Several Latin American presidents congratulated the Argentine candidate who won the presidential elections on Sunday (Nov. 19), the ultra-rightist Javier Milei. He defeated current Economy Minister Sergio Massa by 55 percent of the vote to 44 percent. The hopeful from the Liberdad Avanza coalition is an economist and attained victory amid inflation that reached 142 percent in 12 months.

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva commented on Milei’s victory online and wished the new government success.

“Democracy is the voice of the people, and it must always be respected. My compliments to the Argentine institutions for conducting the electoral process and to the Argentine people who participated in the election day in an orderly and peaceful manner. I wish the new government good luck and success. Argentina is a great country and deserves all our respect. Brazil will always be ready to work together with our Argentinian brothers and sisters,” he declared.

The leaders of the two parties with the most representatives in Brazil’s lower house have expressed divergent positions.

Gleisi Hoffmann, president of the Workers’ Party (PT), said she trusted that the Argentine people and their institutions will be able to overcome this new and tough test for their democracy, represented by Milei’s election. “We will continue to show solidarity in the challenge of building integration between our countries and strengthening Mercosur. We hope that these efforts will not be interrupted by the new government,” she added.

The president of the Liberal Party (PL), Valdemar Costa Neto, said it was a “great day” for Argentina. “[It is] a Victory for Milei and a victory for the people of that nation. Congratulations to everyone who had the good sense to speak out in favor of democratic and economic security. We hope that Brazil will follow suit in the next elections,” he stated.

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