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Rousseff swears in six new ministers

A maioria dos que deixam o governo vai disputar eleição em outubro
Luana Lourenço and Sabrina Craide report from Agência Brasil
Published on 17/03/2014 - 14:32
A presidenta Dilma Rousseff dá posse a Clélio Campolina Diniz, que ocupará o Ministério de Ciência e Tecnologia no lugar de Marco Antonio Raupp.
© 17 12:46:27
Brasília - A presidenta Dilma Rousseff participa da cerimônia de posse dos seis novos ministros(Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil)

Brasília -Rousseff swears in six new ministersMarcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil

President Dilma Rousseff swore in six new ministers on Monday (Mar. 17). During the inauguration ceremony, she welcomed the new leaders and wished good luck to those who left.

Six ministries were affected by the changes: Agrarian Development; Cities; Fishing and Aquaculture; Science, Technology and Innovation; Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply; and Tourism. Five out of six ministers resigned their positions in order to run for office in October. Over a month ago, Rousseff had made changes in the chairs of the Education and Health ministries, the Communication Secretariat and the Office of the Chief of Staff.

“To my companions leaving the government I wish good luck and wisdom in facing our challenges. You’ve contributed to the construction and consolidation of an idea of Brazil that brought about something rare: growth, and the reduction of inequality,” said the president.

According to Rousseff, several challenges will have to be overcome this year in the areas now headed by the government members. “We’d like to assert here that 2014 will be a year with many accomplishments in agriculture and livestock, family agriculture, the development of fishing, improvements in urban mobility in our cities, the encouragement of technological innovation and scientific research, and the professional and warm reception of tourists coming to Brazil,” she added.

She pointed out that she hopes the career and experience of each one of the new ministers contribute to advancing the government's actions. “I’m sure they’ll help me make 2014 a profitable year for the country.”

The new ministers are:

Miguel Rossetto – Agrarian Development
Gilberto Occhi – Cities
Clelio Campolina – Science, Technology and Innovation
Senador Eduardo Lopes – Fishing and Aquaculture
Neri Geller – Agriculture
Vinicius Nobre Lages – Tourism

Translated by Fabrício Ferreira

Fonte: Rousseff swears in six new ministers