Campaign against polio and measles vaccinates 94% of Brazilians

Three days before the end of a national vaccination campaign against poliomyelitis and measles conducted by the Brazilian government, preliminary figures indicate that the vaccination coverage in the country averages 94.7 percent for measles and 93.6 percent for polio.
Over 22 million doses of the vaccine were administered (11.2 million for each). Eleven states have met the target of vaccinating at least 95 percent of the public for both vaccines. More than 4 thousand (72 percent) of municipalities throughout Brazil have reached the target.
Some 800 thousand children are yet to be vaccinated against the two illnesses. Among kids aged three through 4, coverage is above the target—96.95 and 95.44 percent, respectively. The biggest concern is one-year-olds, whose coverage is still reported at 85.45 percent.