COVID-19: Brazil reaches 3.4 mi cases, 109,000 deaths

The daily update published by Brazil’s Health Ministry on Tuesday (Aug. 18) showed the country with 3,407,354 confirmed cases since the beginning of the pandemic of the novel coronavirus. From Monday to Tuesday, state and municipal secretariats reported another 47,784 people diagnosed with COVID-19—up 1.4 percent in 24 hours.
The death count, in turn, is reported to have risen to 109,888. In 24 hours, 1,352 people were said to have died from the disease. The amount is up 1.2 percent from one day to the next. There are also 3,376 deaths being investigated.
Also in the report are 772,540 patients being monitored and 2,554,179 who have recovered from COVID-19.
The lethality rate (number of deaths divided by the case tally) stood at 3.2 percent. Mortality (deaths in every 100 thousand people) reached 52.3. The incidence of COVID-19 cases in every 100 thousand people is 1,621.4
COVID-19 by state
The states with the highest death tolls are São Paulo (27,315), Rio de Janeiro (14,728), Ceará (8,196), Pernambuco (7,252), and Pará (5,975). Those the lowest number of fatal cases are Tocantins (531), Roraima (574), Acre (590), Amapá (619), and Mato Grosso do Sul (657).