Últimas notícias arson

Brasília (DF) 17/09/2024 A ministra do Meio Ambiente e Mudança do Clima, Marina Silva, participa do programa Bom Dia, Ministra Foto: Fabio Rodrigues-Pozzebom/ Agência Brasil

Environment minister advocates stiffer penalties for arson

“The sentence of two to four years in prison is light. When the sentence is light, it is sometimes transformed into some kind of alternative sentence,” she argued. The statement was made during her appearance on Canal Gov Tuesday.

Incêndios atingem também terras da aldeia indígena Bacurizinho, no Maranhão.

Amazon has 2.5 mi hectares burned in August

This year, the Amazon has had over 4.1 mi hectares affected by fires. Last week, a concentration of polluting gases was detected from the Amazon to the South, encompassing ten states.

São Paulo (SP) 24/08/2024 - Foco de incêndio próximo a rodovia presidente Castelo Branco, o governo de São Paulo cria gabinete de crise para combate a incêndios
Estradas são interditadas e 30 municípios estão em alerta máximo
Foto: Paulo Pinto/Agência Brasil

Brazilian government suspects arson behind São Paulo fires

The state reported 21 cities with active fires and 46 on high alert. Environment Minister Marina Silva believes the situation could have been far worse if the federal government had not proactively.