Últimas notícias migrants

São Paulo (SP), 11/03/2024 - Parte do grupo de refugiados afegãos com visto humanitário que está acampado no Aeroporto Internacional de Guarulhos é levado para abrigo no primeiro dia do Ramadã. Foto: Rovena Rosa/Agência Brasil
Human Rights

Afghans remain camped at São Paulo airport during Ramadan

Following the publication of a decree in September 2021 that authorizes temporary visas and residence for humanitarian reasons, many Afghans have been heading to Brazil.

Fachada do Aeroporto Internacional de Guarulhos.
Human Rights

Guarulhos airport houses 68 Afghans seeking refuge

Due to the inflow of people after the rise of the Taliban to power, the city in the Greater São Paulo area has installed special facilities to assist migrants.

Inauguração da expansão da Central de Audiência de Custódia de Benfica
Human Rights

Booklet guides migrants and refugees on custody hearings

Difficulties in communication and lack of knowledge of Brazilian laws are some of the factors that impact the guarantee of rights for foreign prisoners in Brazil.

Human Rights

Red Cross expands immigrant posts in Roraima

The migrants coming to Brazil through Venezuela will have 13 new service stations to facilitate communication with their families in the cities of Boa Vista and Pacaraima, in the northern state of Roraima, which will now have 17 posts for this purpose.