Últimas notícias Rondônia

Nuvens de fumaça durante um incêndio em uma área da floresta amazônica perto de Porto Velho, Estado de Rondônia, Brasil, Brasil, 21 de agosto de 2019. REUTERS / Ueslei Marcelino

Rondônia state declares emergency over forest fires

The decree published Tuesday cites the “critical drought situation” affecting the region since late 2023 due to the sharp drop in rainfall. The lack of rainfall is likely to persist for at least another three months.

Seca no Amazonas - A crise hídrica reduziu drasticamente o volume dos rios na região Norte, causando forte seca em toda a região amazônica, como no Rio Madeira - Foto: Defesa Civil/Porto Velho

Amazon: Madeira River drops 35 cm to reach record low

The river's level drop is due to below-average rainfall from November last year to April this year, which is typically the rainy season for the region.

Brasília (DF), 14.11.2023 - O ministro dos Transportes, Renan Filho, lança edital para construção da ponte internacional entre as cidades de Guajará-Mirim, em Rondônia, e Guayaramerín, na Bolívia. Ministro João Marcelo Galvão de Queiroz, Diretor do Departamento de América do Sul do MRE e o Ministro de Obras Públicas da Bolívia, Edgar Montana, participaram da cerimônia. Foto: José Cruz/Agência Brasil

Brazil unveils tender to build binational bridge with Bolivia

The new structure will be built over the Mamoré river, between the municipality of Guajará-Mirim, in Rondônia, and Guayaramerin, in the Department of Beni, in Bolivia. The bridge will be 1.22 km long.

Human Rights

Last member of uncontacted ethnic group dies in Amazon

Known as “the Man of the Hole,” he was the last member of an unidentified ethnic group massacred in the 90s. He had been monitored by authorities for 26 years.


Federal police find illegal mining fund by probed under Operation Car Wash

After monitoring two people probed under Operation Car Wash, the Federal Police (PF) has discovered that they had been funding the resumption of activities of a mining, known as Roosevelt Mining, where there are some of the world's most abundant deposits of diamonds.