Lula advocates for G20 and more nations in global governance

At a press conference in Abu Dhabi, Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva advocated strengthening global governance by increasing the representation of countries active in international dialogue.
Lula visited the United Arab Emirates Saturday (Apr. 15) on his way back from China, and is now back in Brazil.
In the president’s view, a larger bloc of countries—like the G20—should be responsible for discussing items on the global agenda, including peace, the environment, economic issues such as inflation and interest, violence, hate speech online, and strengthening democracy.
“When we created the G20, it was because the G7 had understood it wasn’t big enough to discuss the 2008 crisis,” he noted.
Lula also said Brazil plans to be play a leading role in global issues. “I respect all the countries and all the meetings that each one of them wants to hold; I respect nations’ self-determination, but what I want to say is that Brazil has its own way of thinking and wants to return to being a protagonist of great influence—above all in this climate issue. Few nations have the political and moral authority to discuss this,” he declared.
Lula pointed out that the trip to China resulted in agreements adding up to BRL 50 billion. In the Arab Emirates, however, investments totaling BRL 12.5 billion were negotiated through a memorandum of understanding between Bahia state and the Abu Dhabi financial fund Mubadala Capital, the controlling shareholder of the Mataripe refinery, which should be privatized in 2021.
“In May, we’re going to discuss with Brazilian governors the main construction projects in the country. We want to present these projects to other countries, so that business people seeking to invest in Brazil have the right option. Brazil boasts legal and political stability, and will soon enjoy economic stability. We are a government with credibility among society and among countries around the world. We guarantee social stability in the country. We are a government of great predictability,” he declared.