Últimas notícias Cuban doctors

Médicos chegam ao local de prova para a segunda etapa do Exame Nacional de Revalidação de Diplomas Médicos Expedidos por Instituição de Educação Superior Estrangeira (Revalida) 2020, em Brasília.

Cuban doctors may be re-hired if Brazil’s More Doctors program returns

A federal judge underscored the role of the program in caring for those living in underserved areas. The Ministry of Health is considering bringing the initiative back.

Em outubro de 2013, médicos cubanos desembarcavam em Brasília contratados pelo Programa Mais Médicos

Brazil considers ways to allow Cuban doctors to stay

The Brazilian government is studying ways to regulate the stay of Cuban doctors interested in continuing to work in Brazil. The move is said to be in line with the efforts to strengthen public health services.


More Doctors to welcome medics graduated overseas

Brazil’s Ministry of Health decided to allow Brazilian and foreign medics not registered in the country to submit applications under the More Doctors program.

Médicos cubanos que atuavam no programa Mais Médicos embarcam no Aeroporto Internacional de Brasília rumo a Havana.

At least 1,307 Cuban doctors have left Brazil

The Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) confirmed that 1,307 Cuban doctors from the More Doctors program have left Brazil for Cuba. Seven flights were reported to have been chartered and more are expected to come in the coming days.


Job posts under More Doctors now 84% filled

Approximately 84 percent of posts for Brazil’s More Doctors program have been filled in the first three days after the tender offer was announced.