Últimas notícias UFRJ

Fachada recuperada do Museu Nacional após quatro anos do incêndio. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) apresenta um  balanço das obras de reconstrução do Museu Nacional e a programação do bicentenãrio da independência.

Brazil’s National Museum launches first printed catalog of rare works

The Rare Works Catalog of the National Museum can be downloaded for free at https://pantheon.ufrj.br since its release on April 13, in addition to the printed version.

Rio de Janeiro (RJ), 14/02/2023 – A pesquisadora da Fiocruz, Izabel Marcílio apresenta o projeto Sistema de Alerta Precoce para Surtos com Potencial Epi-Pandêmico na G-STIC Rio, na região central da cidade. Foto Tomaz Silva/Agência Brasil

Fiocruz launches system to identify beginning of new disease outbreaks

By the end of 2024 all municipalities in Brazil are expected to be monitored for respiratory syndromes. Later on, alerts will be given for other infectious diseases.


Rio university invites thinkers to discuss future in online event

Themed “from ancestral to digital,” the third edition of UFRJ’s multidisciplinary festival will feature environmentalist Ailton Krenak and priest Júlio Lancellotti.

Hospital de campanha para vítima de Covid-19 em Santo André, São Paulo

Ventilators successfully tested in Brazil

Ventilators used in the treatment of COVID-19 have been successfully tested on patients at the Clementino Fraga Filho University Hospital of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).

Funcionário da CureVac demonstra fluxo de pesquisa para vacina contra coronavírus em Tuebingen, na Alemanha

Brazil takes part in global consortium against COVID-19

The group is made up of researchers from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), the Oswaldo Cruz Institute Foundation (Fiocruz), and the Multi-user Center for Biomolecular Innovation of the São Paulo State University (Unesp), in São José do Rio Preto.